Life Coach Linda

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This is where it all began.  Years ago, I took a risk and decided not to worry about my imperfect writing and just share with the world.  A lot of really wonderful stuff has happened since then, and I am grateful that provided this platform for me to start blogging.

In order to simplify, I have recently refreshed my website and moved my blog there.  Website and blog all in one place.  Nice and easy.  And, I think you will like the look of the new blog.  I look forward to seeing you there!

The new blog location is:    While you are there, check out the rest of the website and let me know what you think.

It’s easy to remember, too.

A quick notes to my subscribers: I have transferred your subscriptions to the new site for you.  Please keep an eye out, though, to make sure you continue to receive the email posts.  If you have not received the next email by Monday, Sept. 15th at noon, please contact me and I will get you back in the mix.  Each and every one of you are special to me.

So, here we go with a fresh look, fresh start, and fresh posts coming your way.




The Law of Attraction is both interesting and exciting.  The simple version is that we are all vibrating energy and whatever we put out into the world attracts similar energy.  It is especially popular with people who want to use this law to manifest success in their lives or businesses.

The book and movie, “The Secret”, brought a lot of attention to the idea of attraction, but many people took it to mean that they could just sit on their couches and make their dreams come true.  They failed to realize that the thought leaders in the book had also worked hard to get where they were at.

There are three elements to successfully using the Law of Attraction to manifest what you want in your life. 

Be Impeccable with Your Thoughts and Words:  What you think creates how you feel and the level of your energy.  Every time you think of a limitation or doubt your dream, you make it more challenging to achieve.  Instead, shift your negative thoughts to positive ones full of possibilities and gratitude.

Juice it Up: Connecting emotion to our thoughts supersizes their manifesting abilities.  You can do this by focusing on why you want what you want and how it will feel to have it.  Saturate yourself in the feeling of that end result and you will be more focused and drawn to making it happen.

Get Moving: When you take action you provide forward momentum and opportunities for the universe to give you feedback.  Feedback may be a feeling that something is or isn’t right.  It can also show up as synchronicity, things falling into place, or being blocked in some way.  In order to know what to do next, you need to take the first step.

Don’t forget to comment and share your thoughts and experiences.

Photo courtesy of Bianca Storm

tired lioness

I lost my oomph and I don’t know where it has gone.  Can anyone relate?

Looking back, it probably started when I hurt my ankle and couldn’t exercise for a month.  There are also the ongoing issues of several people I care about facing very serious medical issues.  The last straw was traveling for the holidays and coming home with bronchitis that kept me low for 2 weeks.

So, now it is mid-January and I am feeling behind and oomph-less.  What am I going to do?

Take Care of My Body: Exercising, eating healthy, and getting plenty of rest, are the basic building blocks of feeling good and restoring my energy levels.

Be Gentle with Myself: Feeling behind or pushing myself to do things are grounded in judgments of where I am.  Instead, I am going to let my days gracefully unfold based on how I am feeling.  The funny things is, when I take the heat off I often accomplish more.

Honor My Feelings: I shared with my book group about my friend in hospice and was surprised that they made such a big deal about it.  I would have told you I was handling things gracefully, and I was, but I was not taking the time to connect with my feelings.  I know that when I let my feelings process, I always feel lighter.

Spiritual Practice: I will be re-grounding in my daily practices.  Meditation, journaling, prayer, and spending time in nature will be some of the tools I use.

Focus on the Positive: Talking or thinking about not having energy will only make it more true.   My focus has been on resisting how I feel or making up stories to support it.  Instead, I am choosing to shift my focus to how I want to feel and embracing it fully.

Engagement:  Being with friends and communities that support me is incredibly healing.  I already have several coffee and lunch dates on my calendar with fun people who I find inspiring.  The other part of engagement is to step into my intentions and goals, even if it is in a very small way in the beginning.  These small actions can re-connect me with what I want to do and remind me why it is so important to me.

What do you think of my plan to get my oomph back?  Is there anything in it that might help you?  

You can comment by clicking on “Leave a Comment” under the title of this post.


The end of a year is a perfect time to honor the blessings that came our way and acknowledge ourselves for all we have achieved.   Because human nature is to focus on what is not working, we often minimize what went well or special moments along the way.  I encourage you to review your year with open eyes and an open heart.  You might be surprised what you see…

Year End Process

  • Create quiet time and space so that you can focus without interruption
  • Set a clear and positive intention for your process 

Write your answers for the following:

  • List your wins and accomplishments for the year (at least 50)
  • Write about what you learned from the challenges you faced
  • What are you proud of yourself for?
  • What are you grateful for?
  • What do you want to take away from this year and integrate in the future?
  • Anything else that feels meaningful to include

Don’t forget to share some of your wins or special moments by clicking on “comment” below the title of this blog.


Is there someone in your life who you find intimidating or challenging?  Perhaps it is time for a change in perspective.

Just imagine them:

  • As a toddler having a tantrum
  • Shrinking to a very small size and speaking in a mouse sized voice
  • With words flashing on their forehead like sad, hurt, insecure, afraid, etc.
  • As the sweet little infant they once were
  • Morphing into a cartoon or fairy tale character 

And, my favorite:

  • See them for who they really are – a beautiful soul in a human body having a not so pretty life experience.

Don’t forget to leave a comment with your thoughts, ideas, or experiences using these tools.




I have heard it said that when someone loses their vision, their other senses grow stronger.

When people or things go away, it creates space for something new to come in.

When we get older and lose physical strength, our wisdom comes forward.

When a house burns down, people often say the fresh start was a true gift.

And, when it feels like all is lost, is exactly when we are most connected to our soul.

So, when we lose someone or something, we are always in a process of renewal.  I think it will help to remember that when the losses come.


It’s always there on some level, lurking in the shadows or making a full frontal attack.  Bad things happen.  Tornados, hurricanes, divorce, people close to you get ill or die.  It would be easy to become immobile with the sadness of it all, but that doesn’t serve anyone.

Here is what I have learned to do:

Check my perspective: I can see it all as tragic or I can trust that there are blessings too.  I give myself permission not to understand and even if it feels yucky know that someone, maybe many, are growing from the experience.  People support each other in tragedy, families come together when someone they love is dying, and from the ashes new dreams are born.  It is not my place to decide what is good or bad, right or wrong, faith or love.

Do what I can:  I read to my friend in hospice, support my clients through their challenges, and listen to a friend who just learned she has a life threatening condition.  Volunteering and prayer are ways to help on a larger scale. There is always something I can do.

Focus on gratitude:  I am a sensitive person and can easily take on the pain of others, but that does nothing to make things better.  Instead, I acknowledge my feelings and let them come forward, but don’t let myself get stuck there.  The way I do this is by recognizing the ways my life is blessed.  When homes are destroyed by acts of nature I am thankful for the shelter I have and when my friend lost her mobility I was clear that my daily walks were a gift.  The tragedies of others can bring into the light how lucky I am.

I am not saying that I have this down perfectly.  I am human. What I can say is that this practice supports me and it gets easier each time.  I wonder if it could support you, too.

mind out of order

I was working with a client the other day who, like most of us, had a million things on her mind.  She was working on multiple goals with multiple steps and finding it hard to focus on any of them. The challenge was that she was wasting her precious mind space trying to hold on to everything.

What she needed was a pending folder for her brain.

We had a lot of fun playing with the idea and she was inspired by what it might feel like to have some free space in her brain again. She realized that to really let go and take things out of her mind, she needed to have a pending system she could trust and decided to use her calendar and a project app to support her mental pending folder.

The real key though, is the releasing part.  When she places things in their new temporary homes, she will visualize them leaving her mind, knowing they can be retrieved when she needs them.  This means consciously taking a moment to pause, see them safely in their new place, and let go.

When I talked to my client the following week she was excited about her progress.  She reported feeling organized, focused, and more creative.  Her letting go process was becoming a habit and starting to happen automatically.  But, most of all, she said she felt more calm, centered, and sane.

There was one more thing she shared.  She liked releasing things so much that she upgraded her pending folder for an external hard drive for her brain that had  a lot more storage.

Secretary overwhelmed

  • Focus in on a shorter period of time.  Big or long term goals can feel complicated.  Make smaller goals for this day, week, or month.
  • Stay centered in the present and take one step at a time.  Keep asking yourself, “What is the next small thing I can do that will move me forward?”
  • Remember that there is no such thing as perfection and nothing has to be forever.  You can always change your mind.



Have you ever had one of those holiday seasons where you felt over-scheduled, over-budget, and just plain frazzled?  And, when it was all over you were just glad it was done?

This year can be different. 

You can set an intention now for how you want to be and what you want to experience this holiday season before even stepping into the whirlwind of holiday mania.  Let go of obligations and expectations and become clear about what would make your holidays meaningful, peaceful, and fun.

Time: Do you want to go to as many parties and events as possible or choose the most important ones and have time to really enjoy them?

The Holiday Dinner:  Is it worth doing a grand masterpiece of a dinner if you are too busy and too stressed to be with your friends and family?  Or, could you do something simpler, focusing on their favorites and spending more time with them instead?

Spending:  Will you buy expensive gifts out of a sense of obligation or choose to give from the heart?  Would your friends and family want you to go into debt for their gifts?

When you are clear what you want for your holiday experience, form an intention that will support you in staying true to your heartfelt desires.  You may want to post the intention where it is visible or keep a copy in your wallet to help you stay focused.

Let your intention guide you to a more peaceful, joyful, and meaningful holiday season.

What are your holiday season intentions or desires?  You can share by clicking on “Comments” under the title of this post.


Linda Luke

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