Life Coach Linda

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


Here is an interesting exercise to play with:

  1. Write down your top 10 priorities.  They might be things like family, fun, community, success, or joy.
  2. Now, go look at your schedule, checking account, and take a moment to think about the relationships in your life.

Are you living your priorities?

Misaligned actions and priorities create internal stress and set you up for living a life that is not  what you truly want.  When you sync what you do with what you value most, you will feel more grounded, peaceful, and your best life will come more naturally.

What steps can you take to be more in alignment with your priorities?  You can share them by clicking “comment” above.


Clearing clutter and creating space in your life is one of the most empowering things you can do.  A well-organized clear space is less stressful, feels more peaceful, and can energize you toward your goals.

Now, this may surprise you.  A cluttered or disorganized space is an outer manifestation of a cluttered and disorganized mind.  When you clear the external things, you are also supporting your mind in being able to see more clearly and be more decisive.

And, it’s not just about stuff.  If you are like most people you are feeling very busy.  How many of the things on your calendar that feel so important really support your core values?  What do you do that limits your time with the people you love?  And, speaking of people, do you have people clutter in your life, too?

So, here is the exciting part.  I am revamping, revitalizing, and re-offering my Spring Clean Your Life program.  It’s been a couple years since this popular program was available (under a different name) and it feels like it will be a lot of fun to play with it again.

Here is what you will get with your Spring Clean Your Life program:

  • 6 weekly group phone calls that are live and interactive – I am keeping the group small enough that everyone will have time to share and receive support.
  • The support of a group of people working with a shared purpose
  • Weekly clutter challenges with a little accountability thrown in to keep you going
  • Celebrations and acknowledgments
  • And more…

I’m keeping this program very affordable and the group small, so check it out soon if you are interested.

You can contact me or click on this picture to learn more:


I would love to “see” you there!

Linda Luke   Email:


May your holidays be filled with peace, love, and oodles of fun!

There are times when I ask clients to rate something in their lives on a scale of 1-10.  I then ask them what it would take to move it up one point.  Not all the way to a 10.  Just one point.

These small shifts are like compound interest.  One simple change can yield major benefits down the road.  Some of my clients found their lives were transformed by taking just one little step.

So today, let’s keep it simple.  What is one thing you can do that will move an area of your life up one level?  Make a commitment and go for it.  You won’t be sorry.

Your turn: What step did you decide to take?


  • Create a forgiveness ceremony.
  • Ask yourself if it was their intention to hurt you.
  • Write a letter to the person involved.
  • Free form write about the situation. Burn or destroy what you have written.
  • Imagine the person in a chair and tell them how you feel.
  • Look at their life path and seek to understand how they came to be who they are.
  • Recognize that they were placed in your life to help you evolve spiritually.
  • Take responsibility for your part in the situation.
  • Focus on the facts, not your perspective.
  • Meditate breathing in love and breathing out forgiveness
  • Go into the feeling of what upsets you, take a deep breath and breathe it out.
  • See yourself and the other person as simply human.
  • Give it to God.

If you would like support as you heal your life, email:

Linda Luke

Email Me

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